Patient webinar on importance of treating varicose veins

Professor of venous surgery invites patients to join the webinar

Webinar on varicose veins

Patients invited to attend webinar on varicose veins by Professor Stephen Black

Patients often do not know the full implications or dangers associated with varicose veins. Varicose veins are a visual indicator of vein disease at an early stage and go way beyond just being a cosmetic issue. Treatment is usually advised to prevent future, potentially dangerous complications. 

Due to escalating waiting lists, which are now reported as the biggest waiting lists on record, getting access to vascular specialists has never been more complicated, especially as appointments are reserved almost exclusively for those with advanced symptoms. The UK Vein Clinic is therefore improving access to treatment and advice. The webinar will allow patients to hear Professor Stephen Black and his team describe the key aspects of vein disease, as well as ask questions.

Professor Black explains why he believes vein disease isn't given enough attention, and says,  "Treatment in the UK lags behind that of many other developed countries, owing to a lack of patient knowledge of the need for treatment and the NHS's financial resources". 

For further information and to register for the webinar on Tuesday the 27th April.

A condition that is linked to, or is a consequence of, another disease or procedure. Full medical glossary
Abnormally swollen. Full medical glossary
A vein that is swollen, distended and twisted, usually due to weakness of its valves. Full medical glossary
Relating to blood vessels. Full medical glossary
A blood vessel that carries blood towards the heart. Full medical glossary
Relating to the veins. Full medical glossary
Relating to the sense of sight (vision). Full medical glossary