Finding a good nutritionist

'Rev it up' is key to shifting pounds

Many people might think that finding a nutritionist who tells you that to stop reducing calories as a means to lose weight - is an excellent and highly appealing starting point! After all, doctors often take a far more empirical or mechanistic approach and state the blessed obvious i.e. the more you exercise and less you eat the more weight you'll lose. So who is right? They can't both be. Well, in a way they both can be, but the question is more complicated and requires more thought and logic. For most human, practical purposes you also need to be thinking in the longer term.

In her article 5 Myths About Weight Loss, Clinical Nutritionist Stephanie Moore and author of Why Eating Less and Exercising More Makes You Fat explains that everything you've heard about shedding the pounds might require some re-assessment. 

So what are these 5 myths?

Public psyche profoundly and biologically flawed

Have you heard or thought any of the following:

  • Low-fat is good
  • Protein only is best for weight loss
  • Reducing calories helps you lose weight
  • All foods are equal
  • Diet foods work

If you have been considering any of the above with a view to hoping to shed the pounds then the article is an excellent starting point. Stephanie points out the flaws in the thinking and goes onto explain nuggets of information such as, "Making calories the main criteria for choosing what to eat entirely negates the importance of the nutritional value of a food and what effect that food has upon the body once eaten." She goes on to say, "The quality of the food and the message the food sends to the body, to rev it up or turn it down is the important factor, hence, the effect of the calories from an avocado or piece of steak will be entirely different to the same amount of calories coming from a piece of cake or a bowl of breakfast cereal. This is a hard message to take on board as it is so deeply entrenched in the public psyche that it is calories that matter and the fewer the better for weight management. Yet it is a profoundly and biologically flawed concept.

Stephanie shares valuable insight into a number of lipid-critical factors, for example, how your body can be put into a fat-burning rather than fat-storing state. She motivates by saying, "Be brave, stop buying processed, low-fat, refined foods and start embracing the joy and taste of natural fats, high quality protein and wholesome, fibrous foods and your body will start to very quickly burn fat as it fuels your brain, balances your hormones and give you endless energy".

Sounds good to me.




The basic unit of all living organisms. Full medical glossary
One of the three main food constituents (with carbohydrate and protein), and the main form in which energy is stored in the body. Full medical glossary
A substance produced by a gland in one part of the body and carried by the blood to the organs or tissues where it has an effect. Full medical glossary
Compounds that form the structure of muscles and other tissues in the body, as well as comprising enzymes and hormones. Full medical glossary