Should I be tested for prostate cancer?

What is the latest and simplest advice on prostate cancer screening? What do all men need to know about prostate cancer screening?

London’s leading prostate cancer expert, Consultant Urologist Mr Richard (Rick) Popert explains clearly who should request a prostate cancer screen, at what age and how frequently. He particularly emphasises the need to monitor changes in PSA levels, rather than relying on absolute values.

Rick explains that the current furore has been fuelled by the increasing public awareness of prostate cancer and the recognition that if treated early it is curable. He also describes the results of the latest studies and how these can inform our whole approach to screening.

His article provides the precise guidelines that every man needs to inform his decision over whether or not to be screened.

The simplest advice therefore is to get tested...

  • If you have a family history and are over 40 demand a baseline PSA
  • If you are 50 and have not had one done then have a baseline PSA
  • If you have a recent change in your urinary symptoms see your GP
  • If you have had a PSA before then find out the result and discuss with your GP
  • If it is increasing, request a further test and referral for a urological opinion
  • There is huge reassurance from knowing that your PSA is less than the median value for your age, if its higher at least you know you need to be monitored
Abnormal, uncontrolled cell division resulting in a malignant tumour that may invade surrounding tissues or spread to distant parts of the body. Full medical glossary
A gland that surrounds the urethra near the bladder. It produces a fluid that forms part of the semen. Full medical glossary
An abbreviation for prostate-specific antigen, an enzyme that is produced by the prostate. High levels are present in the blood when the prostate gland is enlarged or inflamed. Full medical glossary
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A way to identify people who may have a certain condition, among a group of people who may or may not seem to Full medical glossary
Relating to the urinary tract. Full medical glossary