Remembrance Day: Post traumatic stress disorder in today’s soldiers

At this very important time, the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month, of the eleventh year (for most probably the only time in our lives) we pause to remember those soldiers who laid down their lives for us. Whilst most of us will be thinking about fathers and grandfathers who fought in the First and Second World Wars it is important not to forget those in the armed forces today.

There is currently very little research on the impact of war on modern soldiers although it has been found that those who have served in the military are 22% more likely to develop an addiction than personnel.

When faced with trauma, those who have fought in the armed forces may turn to drink or drugs as a way of ‘self-medicating’. Don Serratt, founder of Life Works and an ex-alcoholic, has started a support service for ex-combat personnel with psychiatrists who can focus on the tendency for ex-military to turn to crime and addiction. Life Works treats the mental illnesses and post traumatic stress disorders which can have devastating effects on today's soldiers.

One of the three main food constituents (with carbohydrate and protein), and the main form in which energy is stored in the body. Full medical glossary
A specialist in the management of mental health conditions. Full medical glossary
One of a class of drugs that inhibit cholesterol formation in the liver. Full medical glossary
Relating to injury or concern. Full medical glossary
A physical injury or emotionally painful event. Full medical glossary