Treating prostate cancer with CyberKnife®

CyberKnife®, a non-invasive radiosurgery technique, is an innovative treatment for prostate cancer. CyberKnife® technology is able to target tumours accurately and deliver radiation with sub-millimetre precision, making it possible to give a large radiation dose, lethal to the tumour, with little risk to the surrounding tissues and minimal side effects.

If the prostate cancer is found early enough CyberKnife® can be used in situations where the patient is unfit for surgery or if the tumour is awkwardly placed. CyberKnife® treatment normally takes an hour and is given in up to five treatments.



Expert Articles

Prostate Cancer Screening - Addressing the dilemma
Consultant Urological Surgeon Rick Popert advises when to screen.

CyberKnife® Robotic Radiosurgery
Dr Andrew Gaya explains CyberKnife®, an treatment for prostate cancer.

CyberKnife® - Cancer Search and Destroy
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