Hearing Awareness Month

In the UK 1 in 6 people suffer from some degree of hearing loss. If this condition is left untreated it can result in feelings of frustration, isolation and even depression. Despite the negative impact that hearing loss can have on quality of life, only 1 in 10 sufferers will seek help from the onset, with some waiting for up to 10 years before seeking assistance. 


This month one of the UK’s largest hearing specialists, Hidden Hearing, have launched Hearing Awareness Month, (www.hearingawarenessmonth.co.uk) a campaign that hopes to increase awareness of hearing difficulties and to encourage everyone to get their hearing checked. The campaign aims to provide 20,000 free hearing screenings across the UK.

Here are some frequently asked questions about hearing loss

Other people have said I’m deaf – am I?

The mere fact that you can hear them means that you are not deaf in the true sense of the word! You might have a mild hearing loss and if in doubt, ask to have it tested via your GP or directly with an Audiologist in a Hearing Care Centre.

 Some programmes on the TV are easier to follow than others - why is that?

 Even a mild hearing loss will mean that more challenging programmes with background noise or music will be difficult to understand. Newsreaders are good speakers and often do so without any other sound. Annoyingly this means that there appears to be no problem until the adverts come on and then you realise how loud the TV is!

 I can hear most adults but some women and children are difficult to follow – why is that?

Ladies and children tend to have softer, higher frequency voices, which are more difficult for those with a hearing loss to understand.     

Read expert article on The problems associated with hearing loss