First website launched allowing patients to search for a specialist by diagnosis

When a patient receives a diagnosis they, their families and friends, are rightly expected to get involved in making decisions over suitable treatments and specialists. In collaboration with senior teaching hospital consultants, the new Consultant-Search website is the first site with an inbuilt ‘search for specialist by diagnosis’ function helping patients to choose from a list of appropriate leading medical specialists.

The ever-expanding diagnostic search function on Consultant-Search has almost 2000 consultant-defined diagnoses that are linked to a choice of specialists. This means that the patient, upon doing an internet search, will immediately find an appropriate choice of specialists. The subsequent degree of site functionality and expert links means that the patient, family or friends can ask questions, seek further information and request consultations. These are the initial steps towards making an informed choice and playing an active role in making vital medical decisions. Although the diagnosis might be in medical terms, such as ‘acute or chronic otitis media’, the search also includes the common lay terms such as ‘ear infection’ or ‘earache’.

To begin a search for a doctor using your diagnosis on Consultant-Search please click here.

Has a sudden onset. Full medical glossary
A disease of long duration generally involving slow changes. Full medical glossary
The process of determining which condition a patient may have. Full medical glossary
Invasion by organisms that may be harmful, for example bacteria or parasites. Full medical glossary
Inflammation of the middle ear, the chamber of the ear that lies behind the eardrum. Full medical glossary