Breast Lumps - Expert advice from Mr Simon Marsh, Consultant Breast Surgeon

Mr Simon Marsh, Consultant Breast Surgeon, The London Breast Clinic

In women aged from 20 to 30 years a breast lumps are most likely to be a fibroadenoma. These are benign lumps that can sometimes be painful or enlarge but they are not cancerous and do not turn cancerous. 

Between the age of 40 and 50 years breast cysts become more common. These are also entirely benign. They are collections of fluid within the breast and although they can also be painful they are not dangerous. 

From the age of 30 years onwards the gland tissue in the breast changes and it becomes more fibrous and nodular. The way the breast feels has been described as like a scaled down packet of frozen peas and occasionally, in just the same way that frozen peas can stick together to form a clump, so breast tissue can “stick together” to form a definite nodular area. These areas are also often tender but once again are not a sign of cancer. 

The rate of breast cancer begins to rise after the age of 40 years and increases with age. Of course, breast cancer can occur at any age and I have seen cases in women as young as 19 years and in their early 20s, but they are very, very rare.

The important message is, if you notice a change in your breast please get it checked