Musical training may improve executive brain functioning

Both children and adults with musical training show improved executive brain function, compared with those who are not musically trained according to a new study.

Previous research has shown that receiving musical training in childhood may benefit the brain later in life. The results of a new study carried out by Boston Children’s Hospital suggest that both children and adults with musical training show improved executive brain function, compared with those who are not musically trained.

Executive function is defined as cognitive mechanisms in the brain responsible for processing and retaining information, decision making, problem solving, regulating behaviour and planning and adjusting to changing mental demands.

According to senior investigator Dr Nadine Gaab, of the Laboratories of Cognitive Neuroscience at Boston Children's Hospital, executive function is a strong predictor of academic achievement, "even more so than IQ," she adds.

Although it is already known that musical training is associated with cognitive abilities few studies have looked at how such training influences executive function directly.

The new study used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to analyse the brains of 15 children aged 9-12 years who were musically trained (had played a musical instrument for at least 2 years in regular private music lessons), alongside 12 children of the same age who were not musically trained. In addition, the researchers compared the fMRI scans of 15 adults who were active professional musicians with those of 15 adults who were not professional musicians.

The team notes that family demographic factors can affect whether a child receives private music lessons, so they matched both musician and non-musician groups among children and adults by parental education, job status (parental job status for children and personal job status for adults) and household income. They also matched the groups by IQ. All participants were required to undergo a series of cognitive tests, and the children underwent fMRI scans during the tests.

During the cognitive tests, both the musically trained children and the adult musicians showed improvements within numerous areas of executive function, compared with children who were not musically trained and non-musician adults.

Commenting on the findings, Dr Gaab says: "While many schools are cutting music programs and spending more and more time on test preparation, our findings suggest that musical training may actually help to set up children for a better academic future.Our results may also have implications for children and adults who are struggling with executive functioning, such as children with ADHA (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) or [the] elderly. Future studies have to determine whether music may be utilised as a therapeutic intervention tool for these children and adults."

However, the researchers point out that the children who are already taking part in private music lessons may have existing executive function abilities that feed their interest in music; therefore it may be that executive function influences musical training. They hope to establish that the reverse is true by conducting studies that monitor children long-term as they are randomly assigned to musical training.

The study results are published in the journal PLOS One.



An abbreviation for antidiuretic hormone. Full medical glossary
A viral infection affecting the respiratory system. Full medical glossary
A technique for imaging the body that uses electromagnetic waves and a strong magnetic field. Full medical glossary
An abbreviation for magnetic resonance imaging, a technique for imaging the body that uses electromagnetic waves and a strong magnetic field. Full medical glossary