Levels of stress homone - cortisol significantly increases death rate in patients with acute coronary syndrome

Growing evidence suggests that serum cortisol levels are associated with increased cardiovascular mortality in patients with chronic heart failure, research presented at this week’s European Congress of Endocrinology shows.

Until now, the significance of cortisol levels in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) has been unknown.  Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland.  Amongst other actions, it modifies our reactions to stress and anxiety, regulates blood pressure and helps to keep blood sugar levels within normal ranges.  Now a group of researchers headed by Dr Andreas Tomaschitz at the Medical University of Graz-Austria  have used the information from a German heart study to show the link between serum cortisol levels and increased mortality in patients with ACS.

The LURIC (Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health; headed by the principal investigator Prof. Winfried März, Synlab Center of Laboratory Diagnostics, Germany) study is an ongoing trial designed to investigate the effects of genetic and other biological traits on the cardiovascular system.  The study has enrolled over 3000 participants for coronary angiography at the Herzzentrum, Ludwigshafen, Germany.

For this work, 1036 patients with acute coronary syndrome were studied for an average period of 7.7 years.  There were no significant differences in the serum cortisol levels between patients with and without acute coronary syndrome.  However, the patients with ACS and high cortisol levels had a significantly elevated number of deaths when compared to the patients with ACS and the lowest cortisol levels. 758 total deaths were reported during the follow-up period.  The ACS patients with the highest cortisol levels (i.e. the highest 25% serum cortisol) were significantly more likely to die from fatal cardiovascular events than those with the lowest cortisol levels (the lowest 25% serum cortisol).

Lead researcher, Dr Andreas Tomaschitz, said: “In the future we will need to understand the complex way in which cells react to cortisol, and how this causes cardiovascular damage to people with acute coronary syndrome.”


Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a term that doctors use to describe a range of problems that can be caused by a sudden reduction in blood flow to the heart muscle caused by a narrowing or blockage of the blood vessels.  This group of problems ranges from a threatened heart attack (unstable angina) to an actual heart attack (myocardial infarction).

Coronary angiography is a procedure that uses a special dye (contrast material) and x-rays to see how blood flows through your heart.

See ‘Chest Pain – Cardiac or not’ by Professor Lahiri for plain English guidance on latest recommended cardiac assessment.

Has a sudden onset. Full medical glossary
A range of clinical conditions caused by coronary artery disease: it encompasses the full spectrum from unstable angina to heart attack. Full medical glossary
One of a pair of small, triangular shaped glands located above each kidney. Full medical glossary
A central chest pain caused by insufficient oxygen supply to the heart. Full medical glossary
X-ray imaging of the blood vessels following the injection of a dye to improve visibility. Full medical glossary
A fluid that transports oxygen and other substances through the body, made up of blood cells suspended in a liquid. Full medical glossary
Relating to the heart Full medical glossary
The body system consisting of the heart and blood vessels. Full medical glossary
The basic unit of all living organisms. Full medical glossary
A disease of long duration generally involving slow changes. Full medical glossary
Relating to the arteries supplying the heart itself. Full medical glossary
A steroid hormone important for helping to regulate carbohydrate metabolism and the stress response. Full medical glossary
One of the three main food constituents (with carbohydrate and protein), and the main form in which energy is stored in the body. Full medical glossary
The basic unit of genetic material carried on chromosomes. Full medical glossary
Relating to the genes, the basic units of genetic material. Full medical glossary
An organ with the ability to make and secrete certain fluids. Full medical glossary
The death of a section of heart muscle caused by an interruption in its blood supply. Also called a myocardial infarction. Full medical glossary
Failure of the heart to pump adequately. Full medical glossary
A substance produced by a gland in one part of the body and carried by the blood to the organs or tissues where it has an effect. Full medical glossary
intermittent claudication Full medical glossary
Death of a piece of tissue owing to obstruction of its blood supply. Full medical glossary
Death of a portion of tissue due to inadequate blood supply Full medical glossary
Tissue made up of cells that can contract to bring about movement. Full medical glossary
Relating to the kidney. Full medical glossary
The clear fluid that separates from blood when it clots. It contains salts, glucose and proteins. Full medical glossary
Relating to injury or concern. Full medical glossary
Relating to blood vessels. Full medical glossary